Yesterday I finally had laser resurfacing done! I was put under general anesthesia and the procedure took about an hour to do. The OR staff was friendly and professional and I felt like I was in good hands. All in all it was a great experience.
The OR nurse who went over my pre-op stuff was super nice and she had bad acne when she was younger and has had laser resurfacing also. She said she was in her mid 40's which blew my mind as I would have guessed that she was in her mid 30's. Then the anesthesiologist came and and he refereed to me as Page. When he left the room the OR nurse looked at my sheepishly and told me that she would let him know what my actual name was, and I had to explain to her that I went by both. I think she figured it out after that.
They took pictures of my face and put me into the OR room. There was this weird blanket that was like a sheet with an air bag in the middle of it which had warm air cycling through it. When it was on me it felt like a light cloud of warm, comfy awesomeness. I want one of those for the house. The doc told me that he was going to put me to sleep and I told him to go for it; I didn’t get much sleep the night before and I was looking forward to the nap.
The next thing I knew I woke up in the recovery room and it felt like my face was on fire. The nurse keeps giving me phenergan and it took a while to get the pain under control. The nurse was surprised at how quick I recovered after that. Then I went home and now I'm living like a recluse until my face is all healed.
<Random note – When people go under general anesthesia they sometimes say silly stuff. When I asked the nurse if I said anything she said no, but when they wheeled me out from the OR to the recovery room I outstretched my arms like I was a plane and flying, which is actually keeping in character for me.>
As for my current status, after the really bad pain I had coming out of the surgery my face has only hurt a little bit yesterday and today hardly at all. I have awesome pain meds so that's helping of course, but I bet that by tomorrow I wont need them at all. Facial swelling is part of the healing process for this procedure and the nurse said that I might not be able to see that well by the third day, but I've been sleeping with my head elevated and I'm taking Motrin to help with that. Right now it is a bit swollen, but just barely.
My face is red, raw and it looks like it's covered with rows of thousands of tiny dots. That's where the laser drilled those tiny holes to stimulate collagen production. For the first three days I have to keep my face slathered with bacitracin, and after that I have to keep it coated with aquaphor. I can't let my face become dry until the skin is healed, otherwise it will scab and that would be very, very bad.
My face is also slowly leaking serous fluid which is yucky, but that's all part of the healing process. I wash it (carefully) once in the AM and again before I go to bed. Then maybe twice during the course of the day I apply gauze dunked it a cold water/vinegar solution. It feels really awesome and it wipes away some of the old goop on my face so that I can apply fresh goop.
Although my face is all gross right now, looking in the mirror I can plainly see that me skin is going to be MUCH smoother than it was before. The Doc said to expect a 30-40 percent improvement, but I think it's going to be like 40-50. Over the course of the next five months my face will continue to heal and produce collagen, so it wont look it's best until about 5 months have passed. That means that over time it's going to look even better, and for once I feel really good about my face. (Or my future face anyway.) I'm very optimistic and I bet that if I was to do this again in a couple years that after the next treatment my skin would look flawless. I was so worried before I had the procedure, but now I think it's going to work out better than I could have hoped it would. (Hurray!!!)
I had a bunch of plans to keep myself busy over the course of the next two weeks. One thing I didn’t count on was the fact that I can't wear my glasses seeing how the skin on my nose was laser-ed off along with the rest of my face. I'm blind as a bat without them so playing video games, cleaning, reading, watching movies and typing are now very difficult. (My face is like 5 inches from my monitor as I write this post.) My first follow up appt will be on Monday afternoon and I'll find out then when I can wear them again, probably after the first week I'm guessing.
I have to be careful not to get food on my face so everything I eat has to be cut up into little portions. I'm trying this weight watchers thing now where I have a shake for breakfast and lunch and then a 500 calorie dinner, so eating two meals through a straw makes things easier for me.
<Random thought – So my shakes are chocolate flavored. When the hell did chocolate start to taste so damn good? I don't know if it's the hormones effecting me in a weird way or what but hot damn.>
Speaking of food, I'm really hungry and it's time for supper. I just wanted to check in really quick. I'm very, very happy right now. =)